Introduction to Simulis Pinch (Water) and pinch analysis

On-demand training




Level 1


French - English


1 day


Request a proposal for the dates and location of your choice.


The objective of this level 1 training is to master the fundamental principles of the water pinch method (also called mass pinch) and its implementation through Simulis Pinch Water for the synthesis of water exchangers networks.

At the end of the training session, participants will have the required elements to:

• Quantify the water network performances of a process and optimize it.
• Easily perform water pinch method (« water pinch analysis WPA ») in order to compare the water consumption and process discharges compared to theoretical minima (achieve a "water" diagnosis of a process).
Design efficient water networks to optimize process performance

Ultimately they will have a practical experience of the Water module of Simulis Pinch software allowing them to effectively practice the knowledge acquired during the training.

These objectives are evaluated at the end of the training.

Who should attend?

This training is intended for engineers whose activity relates to the design, optimization and analysis of processes as well as for engineers in charge of the performances of a process. This training was designed specifically for people confronted with the environmental challenges of processes: energy and water managers at sites, process audit professionals, eco-efficient facilities designers.


  1. Introduction:
    1. Context
    2. Energy integration of processes
  2. Pinch method:
    1. Theory of the water pinch method
    2. Water diagnostic of processes
  3. Simulis Pinch:
    1. Software overview
    2. Synthesis of water exchangers network (theory and practice)


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Cost and Conditions

Fives ProSim is a certified training center.

Training organization

  • Duration: one day on site or several half-days online
  • Location: on customer site, at Fives ProSim, virtually ...
  • Accessibility: contact us if you have a disability.
  • anguage: training can take place in French or English.
  • Equipment: one computer per person is recommended. A software license will be provided by Fives ProSim for the duration of the training if necessary.
  • Teaching method: the training course consists in theoretical lectures and applications exercises. A number of concrete case studies are discussed.
  • Materials used: educational booklet, Powerpoint presentation, computer with software installed.
  • Methods used and assessment methods: the assessment of prior learning is carried out during training by carrying out several practical exercises.
  • Trainers: all our training courses are led by experienced trainers recognized by their peers. Our trainers are the same persons who develop the software and take care of Support.
  • Training follow-up: the follow-up of the execution of the action is done with the signature of attendance sheets by each trainee and by the evaluation sheet of the training session.
  • Software: Simulis Pinch
  • At the end of the training, a certificate will be issued.


  • Background in chemical engineering / process engineering
  • Background in energy efficiency
  • Basic knowledge in software utilization in windows environment

Information is collected before the training in order to identify the knowledge of each future participant.


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